MiPAX is a medical image management software system, the major functions are: archive, store, transmit and print medical images. ...learn more
With the modular structure design, Microtek developed serial models of MiPAX for different medical applications as described in the section of “System structure” as follow. The major lines of MiPAX series products include MiPAX-Server, MiPAX-Viewer, MiPAX-Xray, MiPAX-Dental, MiDICOM, MiPAX-Endo, and Filing System HD displayed in the graph below.
MiPAX series products play a major role on connecting with X-Ray or document digitizers to scan medical images or documents. They combine these captured images or documents with patients’ information from other information systems in hospital, then transfer it into file formats of the worldwide committed DICOM standard and finally save these files in a database. MiPAX series products not only save 2D image files of patients as records for hospitals but also allow the medical professionals to go through image files of patients as references whenever necessary. Moreover, they allow users to copy, print and share these files in the future.
The features of MiPAX 1. Supports three image display modes - Based on different needs, users can examine scanned films in three display modes: normal and compare, and dental (10, 14, or 18 intraoral films with one panoramic film for MiPAX-dental only ). 2 Built-in reporting module - With a built-in and predefined medical lexicon and reporting module, users can create reports with full text and picture descriptions in seconds. 3 Includes CD burning tools - MiPAX supports CD burning in DICOMDIR format and a built-in and portable CD viewer, allowing users to view DICOM files in a computer with a normal OS system conveniently. 4 Allows users to upload files directly to PACS/RIS servers. 5 Supports DICOM printers. 6 Supports the backup, burn in DVD, and restore of the database, guaranteeing the safety of secure medical information. 7 Image digitizing, acquisition, and reporting workstation. 8 Convenient image archiving and retrieval management. 9 Patient information and scheduling management. 10 Excellent image quality with image administration functions. 11 Exam local database creation.
To get more information of the MiPAX with clinically proven image quality and excellent performance, please contact our Sales team.