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MII Industrial
MII-900 Plus
Microtek NDT/ RT Film Digitizing System is an all-in-one imaging solution developed exclusively for radiographic inspection industry. It easily transfers the industrial X-Ray film into digital images for storage and management and makes it convenient to view and share for the professionals.

The MII-900 Plus lets you easily scan various sizes of industry X-Ray film up to 14” x 200”, which offers more flexibility in physical records digitizing. Simply using exclusive film holders, the MII-900 Plus can automatically crop the scan frame to fit the size of original film. Two optional accessories are available now - automatic film feeder and multi-channel tray, which are specifically designed for use of scanning multiple-sheet of film at a time. They are more convenient, effective, and time-saving. Besides, the MII-900 Plus’s 2400 dpi resolution, 16-bit grayscale, and 4.7 maximum optical density (Dmax), allows it to capture a wide range of grayscale displaying tones from light to dark gray.

Furthermore, the system contains powerful image management software, MiiNDT, which is tailor-made for Microtek industry film digitizers. It has a state of the art user interface and offers rich functionality for easy to use, allowing to record the data related to the film in digital format. It features many image adjustment and measurement tools to capture, inquire, and measure images. It is a time-efficient and effective solution for industry image management.
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